Deane St, Burwood, NSW
Mixed use high-end residential apartment complex
GM Tower in Burwood consists of a construction of 25 level mixed use development building comprising of 131 x residential units, 10,478m2 of commercial floor space and 3,573m2 of retail space over a 4 level basement.
Some information of the construction of the GM Tower in Burwood are as follows:
- (Area / yield summary) – approx. 3,943 m2 site.
- Total end value – construction costs $68m
- Timeline – Commenced August 2014, completed May 2016 Sept 2016 (25 months).
- Builder: Urban Apartments
- Concrete Supplier: Holcim
- Engineer: ABC Consultants
- Architect: Urban Link
- Areas Treated: Two roof slabs treated with Penetron Admix and Superfilm AA. All plater box construction joints treated with Penebar SW55.