North Head, Manly, Sydney, Australia
Cultural Heritage National Park
The Fairfax Track Viewing Platforms footprint spans the cliff edge along the Fairfax Walk, which is nestled within the North Head Sanctuary – a place of significance for the Traditional Owners, the Gayamagal People.
To mitigate the risks of potential cliff falls and the damage caused by recent bushfires, the new viewing platforms have been relocated to better respond to the unique characteristics of the headland and provide a safer, more enjoyable viewing experience all year-round. Two new lookouts, the Yiningma Lookout to the North provides a vantage point to look back at the cliff face and breathtaking views to the horizon that are perfect for whale watching; the Burragula Lookout to the South allows for panoramic views of Sydney harbour, creating the ideal spot for events like the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, or simply, to watch the sun go down.
Glascott Landscape and Civil Sydney worked carefully and respectfully to configure the large sandstone blocks, pavers and concrete delivery into the desired vision at this well-visited destination. Due to the nature of the location, with elevated headland fully exposed to the elements and limited access for moving materials in and out of site, the team is working diligently through the constraints to deliver on a highly technical specification. Each element was carefully crafted to a high quality and shaped into the design intent for this significant landmark and tourist destination.
Penetron Admix was chosen to provide the ultimate durable mix for this extremely exposed position. With the location of the viewing platform susceptible to the extreme and rugged weather, including waterborne chemicals and salts from the ocean, Penetron Admix is proven to optimize concrete for long term durability. Penetron Australia worked closely with the onsite team Glascott Landscape and Civil, concrete suppliers Holcim and structural consultants SDA Structures to deliver the main structure and decorative specialty Hocim Geostone topping slabs.
- Client: National Parks & Wildlife Service / NSW Government Department of Planning & Environment
- Structural Engineer: SDA Structures
- Architect: CHROFI
- Contractor: Glascott Landscape and Civil
- Concrete Supplier: Holcim